
Showing posts from October, 2017

Blog #5 - Look at emotions article - responce

Emotion. To what extent can we trust what is true? To elaborate on that, our emotions have a bad habit to recognize situations, judge and create feelings in an instant. Leading us to believe things we think are the correct but are far from. The article uses a great example where ‘Lisa’ goes on a date with a coworker, she agrees because of the stress of work. She thinks she likes him because she is a data with him when she does not even know him that well. The proposition forms the text describes a situation where we can mistake an infection for “love”. That sensation like anger, anxiety, hunger or illness is not as distinct that I might first assume, how we take that information and misinterpret them with the situation to creates a file of memory that we refer back to alone. In my own interpretation, I don’t think she is in love with the man. I don’t think that he is significant in any way to her. She is not in love with him, in fact, she is in love with what he...

Blog #4 - Somatic Marker Theroy

Simple, we have an amazing ability to make opinions based on emotions. The somatic marker theory suggests that we can remember ideas, feelings, and emotions to particular events and situations that make us formulate opinions on the situation. The way we interact with the world, stimuli refer to our senses, (sight, touch, taste, smell, hearing) these are the sensory processes that tell the brain what to think in response to an Input, of which would be a situation (eating cake, being in a car crash), then the brain is the central processor that decides for an action, the brain does this thousands of times a day. In the end, it outputs out a motor process of in this case is an active memory, so when the same memory is repeated in life it can kick out the same motor response of emotion and reaction. By definition, we can say it is 'The link between emotions and decisions making. Damasio concludes that your choices are steered by your emotions.' - Our psychol...

Blog #3 - RLS: Emojis are dumbing us down.

First Order: * US library of congress accepted a 'translation' into emoji of Herman Melville's Moby Dick. * It wasn't until 2006 that the three networks came to some kind of consensus. * In October 2010, a hand-picked selection of 722 emoji characters were finally cemented into Unicode across sets such as.. Second Order: * "[IN CONVERSATION] we tend to imply things instead of explicitly expressing them" KQ: * To what extent can an image cause miss communication? * How can we know universal signs receive with the same emotion as they were intended.

Blog #2 – How long can a global language last?

Try to imagine a world with only one language. Everyone speaks and refers to the same language, the same set of words and references. The impact it would have on the world is quite simple and positive, although it can easily have a lot of negative impacts. To talk about language, you need to understand where language comes from . Language comes from cultures and how we live our lives. It often comprises of short terms and half ideas that are perceived as whole thoughts because the person being spoken to would have come from the same the same social background. If the same sentence was spoken to someone with the completely different background they would not understand a thing. For example, if I said, ‘let’s get an Uber and hit up a Pizza Hut’. To someone in a modern city like Las Angeles, everyone will understand right away. If you said it to someone in sub-Saharan Africa they would not understand a thing. You would need to first explain what Uber is, a car, the internet, the p...