Blog #5 - Look at emotions article - responce
Emotion. To what extent can we trust what is true? To elaborate on that, our emotions have a bad habit to recognize situations, judge and create feelings in an instant. Leading us to believe things we think are the correct but are far from. The article uses a great example where ‘Lisa’ goes on a date with a coworker, she agrees because of the stress of work. She thinks she likes him because she is a data with him when she does not even know him that well. The proposition forms the text describes a situation where we can mistake an infection for “love”. That sensation like anger, anxiety, hunger or illness is not as distinct that I might first assume, how we take that information and misinterpret them with the situation to creates a file of memory that we refer back to alone. In my own interpretation, I don’t think she is in love with the man. I don’t think that he is significant in any way to her. She is not in love with him, in fact, she is in love with what he...