Blog #13 – Mastermind
When playing the game ‘mastermind’ in class I can make some connections when scaling the ideas up to the scale of magnitude that covers the whole entire world. The first aspect to talk about is about the idea of if the leader was nature the players in the game won’t they be essentially anything with a soul, it's not so much watching scientists struggle to make sense of observations but more so to create the observations for people to see. And the code created by nature that is the observation it dictates, it waits then on people to discover that sight, its nothing really to figure out but it is something we can eventually observe by chance or just pure luck. The role of the hypothesis is to formulate an accurate thought when we think we are accustomed to the if… then… because… the format of a question, where based on the past, the next move is... because of the feedback from ‘the world’. Then it becomes a trial and error play until the desired outcome is eventually achie...